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Department of Control Systems and Mechatronics

About the Department

The Department of Control Systems and Mechatronics (K28W04ND02, formely: K8, K28W04D02) is an organizational unit of the Faculty of Electronics of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology (the first category of scientific units) and is located in the C-3 building of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology campus (map).

The Department of Control Systems and Mechatronics was established in November 2014 as a result of organizational changes at the Wrocław University of Science and Technology. The department is a group of research and teaching staff from the Institute of Computer Engineering, Control and Robotics, which was established in 1968 as the Institute of Engineering Cybernetics – as a result of the merger of the Department of Digital Machines and the Department of Telemechanics and Control. Therefore, we are continuing the tradition of the first Polish (established in the early 1950s) department, which had in its name control, but also telemechanics – as the interaction at a distance was called. We also continue the traditions of the above-mentioned Institute regarding basic research, such as control theory, systems identification and modelling, their optimization (discrete and global – with the use of evolutionary algorithms). We also try to be in the mainstream of applied research, including industrial computer networks, digital controllers, intelligent control systems, sensor technology and image processing in control systems, supporting biomedical research and in the most popular today – mechatronics systems, i.e. drones and multi-rotor objects (including quadrocopters).

The Department has 13 research and teaching laboratories, including computer laboratories and laboratories equipped with specialist devices (see: Laboratories).

The Department conducts wide and active international and economic cooperation.

The Department runs, together with the Department of Computer Engineering, the following specializations:

  • in the field of Control Systems and Robotics (accredited by KAUT, PKA), including the following specializations:
    • Computer control networks (ARK),
    • Production processes management computer systems (ARS),
    • Computer engineering in control systems (ASI),
    • Computer engineering in control systems and robotics (ASU);
  • in the field of Electronics (KAUT accredited), including the following specializations:
    • Computer engineering applications in technology (EZI).

From the beginning, the Department was headed by Professor Ewaryst Rafajłowicz, and since 2019 the head of the Department is Professor Wojciech Bożejko.

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